Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The 1st Penguin Post.


The 1st Penguin Post Is Made!

Anyways, its Kenneth here who is a penguin fanatic. i hardly got the resources to own penguin plushes but hey. i keep pictures of them.

its hard to disagree on the clumsyness of these adorable creatures. penguins tend to fall off their feet and land on their bellies and they just slide around icy floors. ain't that cute.

Alright back to Kenneth's life. Woah, today went to school and the 1st thing was; STRESS. common test is coming. i revised POA a tad BIT on macro but not BCA yet. Gonna do SAM (killer computer program; it KILLS your creativity). Basically Sam requires you to follow instructions step by step and will not allow you to make an alternate move. u have to follow its instruction (wow, even a computer is dictating me.) I kinda hate the way my tutor tells me to *GO FIND IT OUT ON YOURSELF* i know its independence training but hey we DID pay school fees for you to teach. gheez!

Oh yes now moving on to PnC, i wish to thank everyone who came down( or never came down but still supported us). Without you guys the concert would not be a success. Cheers!

Well time for the aftermath of the concert, sheree, josie and me went to thomson prata house and had awwsome but sinful prata!. yum! we sat there and talk cock. nice meeting you sheree. the place was rather unhygenic but hey its a prata house what u expect =DD. if i recalled correctly, i had a cheesemushroom prata and a milo dinosaue, i think sheree had 2 plain prata and Dr.Josie had 1 egg and 1 cheese. FWAH! delicious!

As we ate time flew, we managed to catch one of the last few buses to bishan. unfortunately, dr. josie's bus had left and had to walk home but had sheree to accompany her. i on the other hand headed home although i really wanted to walk to serangoon but fear getting lost (now mr penguin getting lost is a serious thing. mr penguin has really bad direction sense)

Fwah! that was fun.

Posted by Kenneth at Wednesday, May 31, 2006